"Aunt Molly Jackson Memorial Issue.” Kentucky Folklore Record 7, no. 4 (1961). (The issue contains several articles dedicated to Aunt Molly Jackson by John Greenway, Archive Green, D.K. Wilgus and others including “Aunt Molly Jackson: An Appreciation,” by Alan Lomax, pp. 131-32.) |
Barton, John, Jennifer Cutting and Stephen Winick. “It's All in the Cards: AFC's Historic Card Catalog is Now Online." Folklife Center News. Vol. 29, No.3 Summer 2007. P. 3-7. (Includes reference to Richard Nevins' 2003 Yazoo box set, Kentucky Mountain Music, and how using the AFS card card catalog made the end product possible.) |
Barton, Matthew. “The Lomaxes,” in The Ballad Collectors of North America: How Gathering Folksongs Transformed Academic Thought and American Identity. Edited by Scott B. Spencer, Scarecrow, 2012. (Discussion of the 1937 Kentucky field recording trip by Alan and Elizabeth Lomax, pp. 157-158.) |
Burns, Sean. “Folk Music and the American Communist Party,” in Archie Green: The Making of a Working-Class Hero. University of llinois Press, 2011. pp. 75-86. (Discusses Aunt Molly Jackson, Sarah Ogan Gunning, and Jim Garland.) |
Carlin, Bob. “Alan Lomax: The 1937 Kentucky Field Recordings.” Bluegrass Unlimited 38, no. 1 (2004): 68-72. |
Davis, Stephen F., “Jilson Setters: The Man of Many Names.” The Devil's Box 12, no. 1 (1978): 42-45. |
Fleming, Don and David Taylor. “Alan Lomax Collection Finds Permanent Home at the Library of Congress.” Folklife Center News. Vol. 26, No. 1, Winter 2004. pp. 3-5. |
Greene, Bruce. "John Morgan Salyer: His Life and Times." The Old-Time Herald. V.6, No.1, Fall 1997. pp. 20-27. (Includes discussion of the friendship between Magoffin County fiddlers John Salyer and William Hamilton (W.H.) Stepp as well as the wider community of musicians in the area.) |
Greene, Bruce. “The Romance of the Kentucky Fiddler.” Fiddler Magazine. Vol. 4, No. 2, 1996. pp. 5-10. (Includes discussion of Luther Strong and the wider community of fiddlers in the region.) |
Greenway, John. “Aunt Molly Jackson and Robin Hood: A Study in Folk Re-Creation.” The Journal of American Folklore, Vol. 69, No. 271. Jan. - Mar., 1956, pp. 23-38. |
Hansen, Barry, Paul Nelson, and Jon Pancake. “Alan Lomax.” Little Sandy Review. No. 10, September 1961? pp. 3-26. |
Hardin, James. “AFC Symposium Celebrates Alan Lomax Legacy in Story and Song.” Folklife Center News. Vol. 28, Nos. 1-2. Winter / Spring 2006. pp. 9-13. |
Hardin, James. “'Beautiful Music All Around': A Treasury of Library of Congress Field Recordings.” Folklife Center News. Vol. 20, No. 1, Winter 1998. pp. 3-5. |
Hardin, James. “The Archives of Folk Culture at 75: A National Project with Many Workers.” Folklife Center News. Vol. 25, No. 2. Winter / Spring 2003. pp. 3-13. |
“Jim Garland: In Memory and Honor.” Mountain Life and Work. Vol. 54, no. 9, 1987. P. 36. (Jim Garland obituary.) |
Kentucky's Ancient Minstrel Wanders Afar from his Folks.” Literary Digest. Vol. 24, December 1932. pp. 26-26. (Article on Jilson Setters (J.W. Day) previewing his trip to England.) |
Lofgren, Lyle. “Black is the Color of My True Love's Hair.” Inside Bluegrass (Minnesota Bluegrass and Old-Time Music Association). September 2011. (Article about “Black is the Color of My True Love's Hair” as sung by Uncle Rube Cassity.) |
Lofgren, Lyle. “Harvey Logan.” Inside Bluegrass (Minnesota Bluegrass and Old-Time Music Association). July 2004. (Article about “Harvey Logan” as sung by Jimmy Morris.) |
Lofgren, Lyle. “I Truly Understand That You Love Another Man.” Inside Bluegrass (Minnesota Bluegrass and Old-Time Music Association). July 2001. (Article about “I Truly Understand That You Love Another Man” as played on the banjo and sung by George “Shortbuckle” Roark. Note: this is in reference to the original 1928 Victor recording, not the performance recorded by Mary Elizabeth Barnicle in 1938, which is essentially identical). |
Lofgren, Lyle. “Lady of Carlisle.” Inside Bluegrass (Minnesota Bluegrass and Old-Time Music Association). February 2000. (Article about “The Lady of Carlisle” as sung by Basil May and Clay Walters.) |
Lofgren, Lyle. “Last Payday at Coal Creek..” Inside Bluegrass (Minnesota Bluegrass and Old-Time Music Association). May 2007. (Article about “Payday at Coal Creek” as played on the banjo and sung by Pete Steele.) |
Lofgren, Lyle. “The Two Soldiers.” Inside Bluegrass (Minnesota Bluegrass and Old-Time Music Association). June 1997. (Article about “The Two Soldiers” as sung and played on the guitar, banjo and fiddle by Bert, Catherine and Monroe Gevedon.) |
Lomax, Alan. “Archive of American Folk-Song: Eastern Kentucky,” Report of the Librarian of Congress, 1938. Washington, DC: United States Government Printing Office. 184-186. |
Nelson, Donald Lee. “The Death of J.B. Marcum.” JEMF Quarterly. Vol. 11, 1975. pp. 7-22. (There are three recordings of this ballad in the collection.) |
“The Passing of Jilson Setters.” Arcadian Life 54. September 1942. pp. 15, 22. |
Purnell, Janice. “'Pearl Bryan' and 'The Jealous Lover'.” Kentucky Folklore Record. Vol. 12, No. 1, 1966. pp. 1-3. (The collection includes several recordings of both songs in the collection.) |
Rosenberg, Neil V. "'An Icy Mountain Brook': Revival, Aesthetics, and the 'Coal Creek March.'" Journal of Folklore Research, Vol. 28, No. 2/3. Special Double Issue: Labor Song: A Reappraisal, May - Dec., 1991, pp. 221-240. (Includes a case study of “Coal Creek March” as played on banjo by Pete Steele.) |
Rosenberg, Neil V. “'Whitehouse Blues' – 'McKinley – 'Cannonball Blues': A Biblio-discography.' JEMF Newsletter. Vol. 4, Part 2, No. 10. June 1968. P. 45-58. (Includes mention of “White House Blues” as played on the guitar and sung by Maynard Britton.) |
Sutherland, Elihu Jasper. “Vance's Song.” Southern Folklore Quarterly. Vol. 4, 1940. pp. 251-254. (There is a version of this song as sung by Branch H. Higgins in the collection.) |
Thomas, Jean. “A Mountain Minstrel Goes to London Town.” Arcadian Life. Vol. 1. January 1935. pp. 1, 8-9. (An account of the visit of Jilson Setters (J.W. Day) to perform for the English Folk Dance and Song Society in London.) |
Wade, Stephen. "The Route of 'Bonaparte's Retreat': From 'Fiddler Bill' Stepp to Aaron Copland." American Music 18.4 (2000): 343. (A discussion of “Bonaparte's Retreat" as played on fiddle by William Hamilton (W.H.) Stepp.) |
Ward, Edward and Robert Coltman. “Music in Harlan County: Reminiscences of a Long Time Resident, Part II.” JEMF Quarterly. Vol. 15, No. 4, 1979. pp. 72-79. (Includes a section on Blind James (Jim) Howard, including an opinion on whether the James Howard who recorded for Victor Records at the Bristol sessions in 1928 is the same individual recorded by the Lomaxes.) |
“Which Side Are You On? An Interview With Florence Reece.” Mountain Life and Work. Vol. 48, No. 3, 1972. pp. 22-24. (Interview with Florence Reece who wrote “Which Side Are You On?” There are two performances of the song in the collection.) |
Wilgus, D.K. “The Hanged Fiddler Legend in Anglo-American Tradition.” Folklore on Two Continents: Essays in honor of Linda Degh. Edited by Nikolai Burlakoff and Carl Lindhal. Trickster Press, 1980. pp. 120-138.(Collection includes several versions of one of this story / tune motif.) |
Wilgus, D.K. and Nathan Hurvitz. “'Little Mary Phagan': Further Notes on a Native American Ballad in Context.” Journal of Country Music. Vol. 4 1973. pp. 17-30. (The collection has an example of this song.) |
Williams, Cratis D. “The Southern Mountaineer in Fact and Fiction (Part IV) Chapter 9: Hillbilly, Hillbilly!'” Appalachian Journal. Vol. 3, No. 4, 1975-1976. pp. 358-378. (Includes a discussion of the myth making perpetuated by Jean Thomas (see other books and articles referenced) particularly regarding the creation of the character of Jilson Setters as played by James W. Day.) |
Williams, Richard. “'Omie Wise': A Cultural Performance.” Kentucky Folklore Record. Vol. 23, 1977. pp. 7-11. (Collection contains several versions of this ballad.) |
Williamson, Margaret S. “Kentucky Troubadour: Jilson Setters.” Bluegrass Unlimited 13, no. 1 (1978): 56-57. (Later article that seems to perpetuate the Jean Thomas-created Jilson Setters image and doesn't acknowledge his identity as Blind Bill Day.) |
Winick, Stephen. “Beef, Belles, Babies and Blues: Musical Arrangements Inspired by AFC Archival Materials.” Folklife Center News. Vol. 33, Nos. 1-2, Winter / Spring 2011. pp. 3-14. (Includes discussion of two pieces of music from this collection.) |
Wolfe, Charles. “New Light on 'The Coal Creek March.'” JEMF Quarterly. Vo1. 12, No. 1, Spring 1976. p. 1-6. (Includes information on "Coal Creek March" as played several Kentucky musicians including Pete Steele on five-string banjo.) |
“Writer of Labor Anthem Dies.” New York Times. August 6, 1986. (Obituary of Florence Reece who wrote “Which Side Are You On?” There are two performances of the song in the collection.) |