Item |
Item |
Make A Change In Business All Around
Item |
Item |
Black-Eyed Susie
Item |
The Little Mohee
Item |
The Ship That Never Returned
Item |
Little Brown Jug
Item |
Old Coon Dog
Item |
Set calling (part 1)
Item |
Hook and Line (#1)
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Set calling (part 2)
Item |
I Wish I Was A Mole In the Ground
Item |
John Henry
Item |
Dream of the Miner's Child
Item |
Hand Me Down My Walking Cane
Item |
Ida Red (#2)
Item |
Ida Red (#1)
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Hook and Line (#2)
Item |
The Girl I Left Behind Me
Item |
Rabbits In the Lowlands
Item |
Item |
Old Joe Clark
Item |
True Blue Bill
Item |
Cripple Creek
Item |
Lynchburg Town
Item |
Sourwood Mountain
Item |
You've Got to Walk that Lonesome Valley
Item |
I Love Somebody (fragment)
Item |
I Love Somebody
Item |
Liza Up the 'Simmon Tree
Item |
Devilish Mary
Item |
I Truly Understand That You Love Another Man
Item |
I Cannot Tell How Much I Owe
Item |
I Ain't A Bit Drunk